Int'l Student
Graduate Admission

2020 ME-SJTU International Graduate Admission

2020 Fall ME-SJTU International Graduate Admission will be officially launched from Oct.1, 2019. Master and Ph.D programs in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Nuclear Science and Engineering with abundant scholarships are offered to international students. Applicants from all over the world are welcome to apply for graduate programs in ME-SJTU. Please refer to the attached document for the details.


1) For both Ph.D and master applicants, it is compulsory to upload online an acceptance letter from a ME professor (with his/her signature).

2) The organization code of SJTU is 10248.

Important Dates:
1) Start of Online Application: Oct. 1, 2019 

2) Deadline for 1st Round scholarship application: Dec. 15, 2019

3) Deadline for 2nd Round scholarship application: Due to the influence of COVID-19, application deadline  is extended to April 15.

4) Deadline for Self-supported Application: May 31, 2020

5) Enrollment: Sep. 5

Useful website links

1) Detailed information about 2019 SJTU Graduate Admission:

2) How to apply online: 

Step 1: Complete the Online Application

Complete and submit an online application at Study@SJTU

( by the application deadline. If you wish to apply for the

scholarship at the same time, please complete the application by the

scholarship deadline.

Step 2: Pay the Application Fee

The application fee is RMB 800 (approx. USD 120), non-refundable and

non-transferable. Payment must be made in RMB or USD. You can choose

online payment or bank transfer in the online application system.

7) ME-SJTU Faculty Directory:  http:/en/FullTimeTeacher.html

8) Email: ,
9) Tel.: +86-21-34208238, +86-21-34205897



1- 2020 SJTU International Graduate Admission


3-Language Requirements for SJTU International Graduate Programs


5- 2020 ME-SJTU International Graduate Admission brochure



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