Notice on Semester Registration and Course Arrangement of Graduate Students for 2019-2020 Spring Semester

1. Time and venue for semester registration

All graduate students including international students should register according to the arrangement below. Please bring your student ID card and register at the Postgraduate Affairs Office of ME school(Rm. A104,Mechanical Building A).

Time window

Full-time students

8:30-11:30a.m, 1:30-4:30p.m, Feb.23, 2020 (Sunday)

2. Tuition

(1) For those students who need to pay the tuition fee, please pay it before your registration.

(2) Payment method

a. Online payment

Please login at www.jdcw.sjtu.edu.cn/payment, username: student ID, password: student ID (for international students).

b. Wechat payment

Please subscribe and pay on Wechat Official Account “上海交通大学财务平台”.


3. Late registration Approval

The students who cannot register on time need to ask for permission from the Postgraduate Affairs Office of ME school and must accomplish the registration within the first two weeks of spring semester. For those who fail to make the semester registration on time without applying for postponing or being approved, shall be handled according to the SJTU Regulations on Graduate Education and Management.


M.S student of 2017/18

Ms. Niko ZHANG, nikozxx@sjtu.edu.cn

M.S student of 2019

Ms. PANG Qianru, pqr163163@sjtu.edu.cn

Ph.D student of 2019/16/15/14

Ms. Ni NI,   nini3149@sjtu.edu.cn

Ph.D student of   2017/18  

Ms. Eacy LIU,   liuyingcui@sjtu.edu.cn

4. Important Notes

1) Students who are expected to graduate in March, 2020 are exempted from the semester registration. Graduation Ceremony will be held in the end of March, notice of the graduation ceremony will be announced around middle March by the Students Affairs Office.

2) Students who are expected to gradate on March 2020 whereas cannot graduate on schedule should go through the application procedure to extend the study duration prior to the registration, and register at the Postgraduate Affairs Office of ME school within the first two weeks of the semester.

3) Student whose current status is “suspension of schooling” does not need to register.


5. Course Selection and transcript self-check

1) Please check online in your Graduate Education Information Management System for course arrangements.

2) Deadline for course selection: Mar.5, 2020.

3) If you failed in any courses or your GPA is below 2.7(no such GPA requirement for Ph.D students), please apply for retaking on your system in time. Deadline for retaking application: Mar.5, 2020.


Postgraduate Affairs Office

School of Mechanical Engineering


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