Int'l Student
SJTU Overseas Study Grants for Excellent Doctoral Students

Dear PhD Students


In order to enhance the cooperation and academic communication of SJTU doctoral students with outstanding international scholars, and to train future scholars with international competitiveness, the university sets up the SJTU Overseas Study Grants for Doctoral Students. Full-time doctoral students can apply for financial support for their overseas studies, such as, to conduct joint training, cooperative research, scientific experiments, or academic seminars (not including international conferences) in overseas universities or research institutions in case there is necessity for their PhD training. For the Administrative Measures for the SJTU Overseas Study Grants for Doctoral Students, please visit:


The program is now open for application. The relevant matters are as below:


1. Eligibility: Please check the Administrative Measures or the attached file.


2. Application procedure:

a) Application deadline: The School Review should be completed before January 10, 2019.

b) Application method: Log in to and complete the online application at “Tasks->Service Hall->Postgraduate-> Application-Graduate Overseas Program”.


3. Application materials:

a) Study plan;

b) Proof of language proficiency;

c) Invitation letter from the proposed visiting institution or supervisor

d) Other materials:

i. Resume of the applicant;

ii. Copy of the Dissertation Proposal Form;

iii. First pages of the published papers, monographs, and/or patents authorized.


4. Other information

Approved students should be dispatched before the end of the 2019 Spring Semester.


The qualified doctoral students are advised to submit the application in time. If there is not enough time to obtain a formal invitation letter, one can provide an email invitation letter sent by the visiting supervisor, and ask the SJTU supervisor to sign on it.


Subsequent notices will be sent by email. Please pay attention to your email box.


Graduate School, SJTU

Attachment: Application Guide

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