
一、学科简介 Introduction


Industrial Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University was initiated in the 1920s. The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management IE&Mwas established in 1997. Industrial Engineering is an interdisciplinary subject developed on the basis of engineering and management sciences, to educate students with data processing and optimal decision making ability in the field of manufacturing and service. Industrial Engineering is a MOE Tier 1 major. And it is affiliated to mechanical engineering major at the national level key disciplines in the School of Mechanical Engineering.

主要研究方向包括:质量与可靠性工程、生产与服务运作管理、物流与供应链、产品工程等,近年来,大力发展智能制造、健康医疗、大数据分析等研究领域,形成了特色鲜明的学科特色, 工业工程建有多层次的研究机构和实验体系。获得过国家科技进步二等奖1项,上海市科技进步一等奖1项,中国质协质量技术奖一等奖1项,以及其他省部级科技奖励共4项。拥有一支国际化、高水平师资队伍。现有教授7人,副教授10人,助理教授5人,客座等兼职教授12人。工业工程骨干课程实现全英文教学,并入选国家级教学团队,获得多项国家级教学成果及上海市教学成果。

The research areas include quality and reliability engineering, production and service operations management, logistics and supply chain management, industrial big data and intelligent manufacturingetc. There are various research centers and labs in the department. The IE&M department has been awarded some national level and Shanghai municipal level technology prizes as well as some national teaching achievements awards. We have an outstanding faculty group with international education background, which includes 7 full professors, 10 associate professors, 5 assistant professors, and 12 visiting professors. All main courses in Industrial Engineering are taught in English. IE&M department has several members in the national level teaching group.


        We aim at equipping students with engineering abilities, management skills, and global vision. During the past 20 years, the department has fostered about one thousand undergraduate students, and 400 graduate students. After graduation, our students are mainly engaged in the field of advanced manufacturing and services industries and academic area. The department has established close relationships with international top universities, including Georgia Tech, Purdue University, Politecnico di Milano, etc. The Industrial Engineering major targets on the innovative strategy requirement of nation development. The department tries the best to develop an international well-known and national outstanding discipline in Industrial Engineering.


二、培养目标 Program Objective


With the ultimate goal of cultivating doctoral students, the program uses the optimized time and optimized curriculum to nurture innovative talents who can independently engage in scientific research.







Upon graduation, you will:

1. Have the excellent mathematical foundation, in-depth fundamental knowledge in industrial engineering and related areas, and be familiar with the progress, trends and latest development of the discipline;

2. Master the modern research methods and experimental techniques to solve engineering problems, and have the ability to apply theories and approaches to understand and analyze technical engineering and management problems in related professional directions;

3. Have a strong sense of innovation, and get academic contribution in a specific area of the discipline;

4. Show proficiency in at least one foreign language, read foreign language literature of your major fluently, and have good skills in writing and international academic communicating;

5. Have good scientific research ability, professional ethics and social responsibility.

三、培养方式及学习年限 Training Mode and Study Duration

硕博连读生学习年限为6-8年。其中,硕士阶段为1.5 至年,博士阶段为4年,博士阶段可以延期到6年。是全日制方式培养。


The length of full-time Combined Master and Doctoral Program (Master Level) is 4 years. Master level lasts 1.5 ~ 2 years while doctoral level lasts 4 years with a maximum length of 6 years.

       Students should complete master level coursework in the first year and complete doctoral level coursework within the first year after transferring to doctoral level. The maximum length of coursework should last no longer than 2 years.

四、硕士阶段课程学习要求 Course Requirement

Full-time Combined Master and Doctor Degree Program (Master Level). Minimum credits: 30 credits, including at least 19 credits from GPA courses. Students whose GPA of the GPA courses is above 2.7 are eligible for doctoral study.

    1.公共基础课程   6.5学分
           General Courses. 6.5 credits.

        a. MARX6001 新时代中国特色社会主义理论与实践2学分,必修
            MARX6001 The Theory and Practice of Socialism in China, 2 credits, compulsory.

        b. MARX6003 自然辩证法概论,1学分,必修
            MARX6003 Dialectic  of  Nature, 1 credit, compulsory.

        c. FL6001学术英语,2学分,必修
            FL6001 English for Academic Purposes, 2 credits, compulsory.

        d. GE6001学术写作、规范与伦理,1学分,必修,院系开课
            GE6001 Academic Writing, Norms and Ethics, 1 credit, compulsory, offered by ME.

        e. GE6003 实验室安全教育,0.5学分,必修,院系开课

            GE6003 Laboratory Safety Education,0.5 credit, compulsory, offered by ME school.

        2.专业前沿课:GE6011 学术报告会,1学分,必修,须在硕士阶段完成修读

             Frontier Course.
            GE6011, Academic Seminar, 1 credit, compulsory.

        3.专业基础课 Core Courses


      2 math courses: IE6101 Advanced Operations ResearchIE6102 Advanced Statistics, 6 credit, compulsory.

            Core Courses and Elective Courses. Minimum credits: 16.5 credits.

            Summarized as below.


Course   Type


Required   Credits


Required   Courses






General Courses




Requirement for Ph.D. level entrance: 19   credits taken at master level and GPA≥2.7


Core Courses



专业基础课Core Courses专业选修课Elective Courses




No more   than 2 interdisciplinary courses can be selected, which are counted as   non-GPA course.


Frontier Courses



The doctoral level training plan should be made referring to the corresponding docotoral training scheme after transferring to doctoral level.

五、培养过程要求 Training Requirement






资格考试通过后,方能转入博士阶段培养。 学院将根据学校的要求组织已通过博士生资格考试(含一次通过和二次通过的)同学进行网上申报和博士资格确认(博士生入学复试)、确定导师。







The training process are summarized as follows:

Master level

1. The first academic year (1st and 2nd semester): Focusing on coursework. After enrollment, students learns about supervisors and their research background within three weeks, and then complete the double-way matching.

2. The second academic year (3rd and 4th semester): Preparing for and attending Ph.D. Qualification Examination and select supervisor .

Two Ph.D. Qualification Examination are held each academic year. Most students are scheduled to attend it in October. A few students and those who fail the first time can choose to take the it in next April.

Only those who pass the exam can transfer to doctoral level. According to the requirements of SJTU, ME school will organize students who have passed the Ph.D. Qualification Examination to apply  for admission and select supervisor online.

3.Students transfer and diversion (at the beginning of the 5th semester)

(1) Students who pass the Ph.D. Qualification Examination and interview will formally enter into the  doctoral level.

(2) Those who fail Ph.D. Qualification Examination two times will be transferred as master students after the school's review (training scheme refers to the school's requirements for academic master studnets). Outstanding students can apply for early graduation during the three and a half years study.

(3) Those who are not suitable for master study and research work can choose to quit the program.

Doctoral degree (since 5th semester)

After entering into doctoral level, students shall follow the requirements of the relevant regulations of doctoral students training.

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