


The discipline of Nuclear Science and Engineering at SJTU originated from the major of Nuclear Reactor Engineering which was established in 1958, and it is among the earliest ones in related field in China. In 1998, the joint doctoral program of "Nuclear Science and Engineering"was set up. In 2001, the first-level post-doctoral research station of "Nuclear Science and Technology" was approved. In 2006, the School of Nuclear Science and Engineering (SNSE) was established by increasing subjects and broadening the scope of specialties. In 2010, it was approved to be the first-level discipline in the field of Nuclear Science and Technology.

核科学与技术学科下设6个研究方向:核安全与系统仿真、反应堆热工水力、核燃料循环与材料、核辐射防护与环境保护、核反应堆物理、先进核能系统。本专业具有一支国际化、高水平的师资队伍,共有25名专职教师,教授6, 其中曙光学者1名、优青1名,副教授16名,所有专业教师均有博士学位,且具有海外经历。

The research fields in SNSE include six research directions: nuclear safety and system simulation, reactor thermo-hydraulics, nuclear fuel cycle and materials, nuclear radiation protectionreactor physics and advanced nuclear reactor systems. SNSE consists of 25 faculty members, and all have doctoral degree and overseas’ experience. Among them, it includes 6 Professors (1 Shuguang Scholar, 1 faculty member awarded the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars) and 16 associate professors.


SNSE emphasizes on academic practice, broad foundation and strict requirements to cultivate students to be interdisciplinary, innovative as well as with global vision. In order to satisfy the fast development of nuclear energy application in China, SNSE hosted over 10 national key research projectsincluding National ‘973’ Project, Key Projects of NSFC, National Basic Research Programs, National Science and Technology Major Projects. Academic practice platforms aming to graduate education and research work have been established, such as “Shanghai Nuclear Power Engineering Technology Research Center" and "International Cooperation Base for Basic Research on Thermal-Hydraulic of Advanced Nuclear Reactor System". Meanwhile, SNSE has close international cooperation and develops exchange programs with University of Michigan, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Tokyo, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, etc.

二、培养目标Program Objective


We focus on the postgraduate training objective of our university. We will provide you with the excellent mathematical foundation, broad knowledge structure, high proficiency in a professional field, strong innovation ability, good sense of social responsibility, and global competitiveness in the frontier of nuclear engineering. You will be given the grounding to engage in nuclear engineering technology and management independently.







Upon graduation, you will:

1. Have the excellent mathematical foundation, in-depth fundamental knowledge in nuclear engineering and related areas, and be familiar with the progress, trends and latest development of the discipline;

2. Master the modern research methods and experimental techniques to solve engineering problems, and have the ability to apply theories and approaches to understand and analyze technical engineering problems in related professional directions;

3. Have a strong sense of innovation, and get practical contribution in a specific area of the discipline;

4. Show proficiency in at least one foreign language, read foreign language literature of your major fluently, and have good skills in writing;

5. Have good engineering practice ability, professional ethics and social responsibility.

三、培养方式及学习年限 Training Mode and Study Duration



Full-time Professional Master Program students tutored full-time by supervisors. The intended supervisor is determined by mutual selection between professors and students within two weeks after enrollment.

The length of Full-time Professional Master Program is 2.5 years. The mode for Joint-training students is 1 year on-campus+1.5 years in enterprises. Students who fail to complete the program within 2.5 years could apply for extension, with a maximum length of 3.5 years upon approval.

四、课程学习要求 Course Requirement

Full-time Professional Master Program. Minimum credits: 30 credits, including at least 19 credits from GPA courses. One English-teaching course is required. Students whose GPA of the GPA courses is above 2.7 are eligible for doctoral study.

        1. 公共基础课程   12.5学分
General Courses. 12.5 credits.

       a. MARX6001中国特色社会主义理论和实践研究,2学分,必修

            MARX6001 The Theory and Practice of Socialism in China, 2 credits, compulsory.

        b. MARX6003自然辩证法概论,1学分,必修
             MARX6003 Dialectic  of  Nature, 1 credit, compulsory.

        c. FL6001学术英语,2学分,必修
            FL6001 English for Academic Purposes, 2 credits, compulsory.

        d. GE6001学术写作、规范与伦理,1学分,必修,院系开课
            GE6001 Academic Writing, Norms and Ethics, 1 credit, compulsory offered by ME school.

        e. GE6003 实验室安全教育,0.5学分,必修,院系开课

            GE6003 Laboratory Safety Education,0.5 credit, compulsory, offered by ME school.

        f. 数学课,6学分,必修

            Mathematics, 6 credits, compulsory.

        2. 专业前沿课:GE8001专业实践,1学分,必修

            Frontier Course.
            GE8001 Professional Practice, 1 credit, compulsory.

        3. 专业基础课:ME6564 复杂系统的设计与实践,6学分所有专硕生必修,如本科已修项目式实践教学设计课程,可申请免修。

            Core Courses.
  Design and Practice of Complex System (ME6564), 6 credits, compulsory

        4. 其余专业基础课、专业选修课:≥ 10.5学分

            Other Core Courses and Elective Courses. Minimum credits: 10.5 credits.


五、培养过程要求 Training Requirement


The training sessions (Proposal, Intermediate Evaluation and Defense) of the Joint-training students are organized by the college and enterprises. The specific requirements of each session for all students are as follows:


Thesis proposal: Thesis proposal work will start in the 3th semester, which requires an argument on the scientific basis, purpose and significance, research content, expected goals, research methods, and project conditions of intended thesis topic and shall be evaluated by 3 or 5 professors invited by supervisor.


Annual report (Thesis Project Intermediate Evaluation): The evaluation usually takes place in the 4th semester after thesis proposal gets passed. The report shall be submitted by students with supervisor’s given comments, which will go through the evaluation of each department and school as well. The format of the annual report can also be done in the form of academic discussion or symposium on selected topics. The contents of the annual report include: 1. Completed thesis-related work and periodic results. 2. The content of the next-phase work and plans on paper publications. 3. Supervisor's evaluation of the finished work, estimation and guidance of the future work.


Thesis Defense: The defense shall be held before the end of 5th semester by the discipline. Those who ranks in the last 15% shall attend the second defense organized by school.





Practical Internship: Students shall completed the study of a one-credit course named Professional practice (GE8001) and a six-credit social practice course(ME6564: Design and Practice of Complex System).


详见一览表:See the list for details

全日制专业型硕士Full-time   Professional Master Program

资格考试Qualification Examination

开题报告Thesis Proposal

年度报告Annual Report



实践实习环节Engineering Practice

六、学术成果要求 Requirement on Academic Requirement


Paper Publication Requirements for master students:


It is required that the students should have at least 1 paper accepted/published by/in core journals as the first author, or at least 2 papers accepted/published by/in core journals as the second author, in which case his/her supervisor shall be the first author.


The affiliation of the first author should be Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)

七、学位论文 Thesis/dissertation

1、学位论文的基本要求Basic Requirements


The master students should choose topics related to the frontier field of the discipline or that of great significance to the progress of science and technology or economic and social development as their dissertation theme. The doctoral dissertation should demonstrate that the author is capable of undertaking scientific research independently and has a good grasp of the basic theories as well as a systematic and in-depth knowledge of the field of study.


A graduate dissertation shall be a systematic and complete academic paper, and should be completed by the applicant under the instruction of his/her supervisor. No cheating or plagiarizing is allowed. The graduate theses shall demonstrate clear academic insights, with accurate arguments, rigorous reasonings, reliable statistics, well-organized structures and fluent expressions.

2、学位论文的撰写要求Format for Thesis


         The thesis should be written in Chinese. The terms, symbols and codes used in the dissertation must be unified and conform to the requirements of standardization. All units of measurement shall adopt the "Statutory Unit of the People's Republic of China" promulgated by the State Council. The dissertation generally consists of the following 12 parts: cover, title page, flyleaf, abstracts, contents, List of Symbols (if necessary), main body, reference, annotation (if necessary), appendix (if necessary), acknowledgements, List of Publications and achievements.

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