

B72-Automatic music page flipper


指导教师:杨培中 项目成员:王重元、陈欣皓、哈桑、余江波、何屹东




    In music performance, it's usually difficult for performers to flip score while playing. For music that cannot be memorized, the performer has to flip the score by himself or ask assistance while performing or recording a video, which is not only unsightly but also can cause serious damage to performance.

    This product is used to solve to problem by flipping music pages without using hands. The player just needs to step on the pedal beside the piano pedal and then the music page will flip automatically. Once the pedal is stepped, the signal will be delivered to the flipper through Bluetooth. Then the engine will move immediately and the page can be turned by the magnet on the pole and the file.

    The engine in the flipper and pedal is powered by Battery No.5 and button cell. Switch on the flipper can be turned off in case of misstep.


    The primary goal of this project is to design and manufacture a product that not only has an efficient operation, but easy to use with minimal assistance. And after the market survey, we assume that the device must be able to accommodate different page sizes and hold the page steady without allowing the page to move. These two targets are the most essential ones between interviewers. The project also needs to turn single pages reliably and be able to turn backward as well as forward. It should have enough available power for at least four hours of use too. It would be great if the project could be lightweight and inexpensive after achieving these mentioned goals.


    Our product successfully achieves the main targets and solves the problem. It can accommodate different page sizes, hold the page steady without allowing the page to move, turn single pages reliably, turn forward and backwards and have enough available power for at least four hours of use. Moreover, it only costs 169RMB to make one. It’s certain that the cost can still decrease, while prices of other products having the same function are ranging from 400 to 1500RMB. Since power are provided by Battery No.5 and button cell, there is no need to recharge and the project can be used whenever users want.

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