

B-59 Modular Multistage Connection Stable Slide Rail

指导教师:徐震原 项目成员:杨鹏飞、杨骁、张起翔、邓毅梁




The slide rails that can be purchased on the market cannot be modularized. When the slide rails are needed, they usually need to be customized. The customized price is high, and the maintenance and replacement are very inconvenient. The service life is short. Therefore, our team designs a modular slide rail, which is connected by slot conditions and slots to realize the modularization of the slide rails, reducing the demand for customization and making the maintenance and replacement easier. At the same time, the power unit is installed on the driving platform to ensure the efficient operation of the slide rail.


Smooth connection between slides.

Ensure the stability of slide rail operation.

The platform can run continuously and efficiently on the slide rail.


Better connection between slides.

Ensure the sustainable operation of the platform.

The production cost of the project is low.

The general ability of the project is good.

Structural stability.

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