第八届国际激光喷丸会议的通知 (the 8th International Conference on Laser Peening and Related Phenomena, 8th ICLPRP)
发布时间:2020-01-03   阅读:139

国际激光喷丸会议 (International Conference on Laser Peening and Related Phenomena) 是激光喷丸(也成激光冲击强化)方向专业性国际学术会议。自2008年第1届会议在美国休斯顿举办以来,已先后在美国休斯顿、日本大阪、西班牙马德里等地连续举办7届。第八届国际激光喷丸会议 (8th ICLPRP) 将于2020年6月在上海举办。本次会议旨在研讨交流激光喷丸及相关领域最新研究进展与应用成果。大会具体情况如下:






1) 激光冲击等离子体物理过程及其与物质相互作用;

2) 激光喷丸工艺过程建模与残余应力、疲劳寿命预测;

3) 激光喷丸表面完整性和微观组织形貌的分析;

4) 关键零件激光喷丸改善疲劳、微动、磨损和腐蚀性能;

5) 激光喷丸成形实验、建模和仿真;

6) 基于激光等离子冲击效应的新工艺及其应用;

7) 高功率脉冲激光、光束整形、光纤传输和激光喷丸装备;

8) 激光喷丸复合工艺,如3D打印、机械加工和热处理等;

9) 各类强化工艺及相关现象:空化喷丸、超声喷丸、滚压强化、机械喷丸等;














The International Conference on Laser Peening and Related Phenomena (ICLPRP) is a professional international academic event in the laser peening conference series. Since the first in Houston in 2008, the ICLPRPs have been successfully held for seven consecutive times. The 8th ICLPRP will provide a broad communication venue for researchers, industry to exchange and disseminate the recent research, development and applications in the field of laser peening & related phenomenon, and will facilitate international collaboration, and explore new directions in research and development on laser peening.


1. Organizer

Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)


2. Topics

a) Fundamental laser plasma physics and plasma matter interaction related to laser peening.

b) Modeling and simulation of laser peening process and effect on residual stress, fatigue, etc.

c) Surface integrity and microstructure evolution: experiment, modelling and simulation.

d) Life extension of components subjected to fatigue, fretting, wear, corrosion, etc.

e) Laser peen forming for shaping: experiment, modelling and simulation.

f) Laser plasma based novel process and applications.

g) High-power pulsed laser, optics for beam-shaping, optical fiber for delivery and laser peening equipment.

h) Hybrid process with laser peening, such as 3D printing, mechanical and heat treatment, etc.

i) Related surface processes and phenomena: cavitation peening, UNSM (ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification), ball burnishing, shot peening, etc.


3. Important Dates

- Abstract submission: January 31, 2020

- Acceptance notification: February 29, 2020

- Conference date: June 14 to 20, 2020


4. Conference Venue

Novotel Shanghai Atlantis, 728 Pudong Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai


5. Details and Contact

Symposium website: http://8thICLPRP.htcis.net/

Email: 8thICLPRP@sjtu.edu.cn