2011.09-2016.06 上海交通大学 动力工程及工程热物理 博士
2007.09-2011.07 天津大学 建筑环境与设备工程 学士
2025-至今 上海交通大学 必赢线路检测中心 长聘副教授、博导
2021-2024 上海交通大学 必赢线路检测中心 副教授、博导
2019-2020 上海交通大学 必赢线路检测中心 助理教授、博导
2016-2018 斯图加特大学 航天热力学研究所 Research Associate
国际制冷学会A1(低温)专业委员会 青年委员
上海制冷学会 理事、青委会委员
《真空与低温》、《Carbon Neutrality》期刊,青年编委
《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》期刊,Guest Editor
《Physics of Fluids》期刊,Guest Editor
PNAS, Advanced Materials, Physics of Fluids, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Transport in Porous Media, Journal of Heat Transfer, Building and Environment, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, Experimental Heat Transfer, Journal of Computational Physics, Engineering Science and Technology, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering......
先进低温技术及应用 研究生前沿课 48学时
低温技术及其应用 本科生 32学时
云计算技术 致远荣誉计划本科生 32学时
程序设计思想与方法(C++) 工科平台本科生 80学时
2023-2026 国家自然科学基金:基于微纳双级多孔结构毛细力调控的低温两相流体选择性输运机理研究
2023-2024 航天科研项目:低温推进剂在轨管理仿真系统
2023-2025 工信部高技术船舶科研项目,陆上LNG低温工程试验验证技术研究,子课题负责人
2023-2025 工信部高技术船舶科研项目,自主薄膜型围护系统研制,子课题负责人
2022-2024 上海市自然科学基金: 基于毛细输运-力学承载双效结构阵列的薄壁蒸汽腔传热机理研究与性能优化
2020-2022 上海航天先进技术联合研究基金:低温毛细流体管理技术研究
2020-2022 国家自然科学基金:基于混合润湿性多孔结构的毛细流动-蒸发传热耦合机理研究 (结题评价“优秀”)
2019-2022 航天低温推进剂技术国家重点实验室开放课题:地面模拟微重力环境下的表面张力流动实验与仿真研究
2021-2022 中国商飞大飞机创新谷研究计划项目
2021-2022 筛网特性试验技术研究
2022-2022 液氢船相关研究
2019-2022 空间飞行机构重点实验室开放课题(2项)
2019-2021 浦江人才计划项目
2016-2018 博士后创新人才支持计划
2016-2018 博士后科学基金项目
2019-2021 上海交通大学双一流建设项目
2020-2024 国家自然科学基金(重点项目):低温推进剂在轨状态的热力学机理研究
2018-2025 德国科学基金会重点研究项目SFB1313:Interface-Driven Multi-Field Processes in Porous Media – Flow, Transport and Deformation
64. R. Xu, C. Chen, B. Wang, W. Miao, M. Zhang, J. Wu, G. Yang; Experimental study of bubble flow dynamics in an asymmetric hierarchical porous structure. Physics of Fluids, 2025; 37 (2): 022120
63. P. Xu, H. Chen, W. Shi, Y. Jin, H. Wang, A. Cai, C. Li, J. Wu, G. Yang &ast, Experimental study of cryogenic fluid flow through fibrous porous media, Energy, 2025, 315, 134358
62. H. Chen, T. Wu, Z. Wan, H. Wang, P. Xu, G. Yang, J Wu, Numerical analysis of LNG rollover in large membrane tank under sloshing excitations, Energy, 2025, 315, 134351
61. M. Xiao, Y. Huang, G. Yang, C. Li, A. Cai, J. Wu, Visualization of cryogenic bubble growth in liquid oxygen during nucleate pool boiling, Energy, 2025, 314, 134101
60. H. Chen, P. Xu, Z. Wan, W. Song, G. Yang, J. Wu. Analysis of convection and boil-off in multi-scale membrane LNG tanks under sloshing excitations. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 259: 124863.
59. R. Lv, S. Guo, Y. Huang, G. Yang, J. Wu. Evaluation of thermal destratification performance and optimization of jetting parameters in a spray-bar thermodynamic vent system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 258: 124621.
58. G. Yang, R. Xu, Y. Tian, S. Guo,J. Wu, X. Chu. Data-driven methods for flow and transport in porous media: A review. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 235, 126149.
57. X. Zhang, Y. Liu, W. Wang, G. Yang, X. Chu; An investigation of anisotropy in the bubbly turbulent flow via direct numerical simulations. Physics of Fluids, 2024; 36 (9): 093348
56. X. Zhou, Z. Hu, R. Lv, S. Guo, C. Li, G. Yang, J. Wu, Behaviors of microdroplets impinging on supercooled superhydrophobic microgrooves, Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36, 122113
55. M. Xiao, G. Yang, Y. Huang, C. Li, A. Cai, J. Wu. CryoFoam: A practical numerical framework for non-isothermal two-phase flows in cryogenic fluids with phase change. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 80, 871-889.
54. X. Zhou, et al. Inter-droplet frosting propagation mechanism on micropillar patterned surfaces under various supersaturation conditions. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2024, 699: 134761.
53. S. Guo, M. Xiao, F. Xie, Y. Ma, K. Chen, R. Zhuan, G. Yang, J. Wu, Optimization of helium consumption for feedback pressurization in liquid oxygen tanks, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 230: 125739
52. G. Yang, B. Yang, X. Cheng, S. Wang, C. Li, G. Liu, J. Wu, Aluminum micropillar wicks integrated with boehmite nanostructures for rapid heat dissipation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 223: 125211
51. Y. Liu, X. Chu, G. Yang, B. Weigand, Simulation and analytical modeling of high-speed droplet impact onto a surface, Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36, 012137
50. T. Yi, W. Zhang, Y. Qiu, G. Lei, Y. Yu, J. Wu, G. Yang, Effect of physical properties on the dynamics of an isolated bubble squeezing through a narrow constriction, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 169, 2023, 104601
49. G. Hou, ..., X. Qian, Self-regulated underwater phototaxis of a photoresponsive hydrogel-based phototactic vehicle, Nature Nanotechnology, 2024, 19, 77–84
48. Y. Liu, W. Wang, G. Yang, H. Nemati, X. Chu; The interfacial modes and modal causality in a dispersed bubbly turbulent flow. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, 083309
47. H. Chen, G. Yang, J. Wu. A multi-zone thermodynamic model for predicting LNG ageing in large cryogenic tanks. Energy, 2023, 128503.
46. M. Xiao, G. Yang, Y. Huang, J. Wu, Evaluation of different interface-capturing methods for cryogenic two-phase flows under microgravity, Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34, 112124
45. X. Zhou, G. Yang, C. Li, J. Wu. Functional microdroplet self-dislodging icephobic surfaces: a review from mechanism to synergic morphology. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022: 118928.
44. Z. Wang, G. Yang, Y. Wang, et al. A three-dimensional flow model of screen channel liquid acquisition devices for propellant management in microgravity.npj Microgravity, 2022, 8: 28.
43. G. Yang, R. Xu, Y. Wang, et al. Pore-scale numerical simulations of flow and convective heat transfer in a porous woven metal mesh. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022: 117696.
42. X. Cheng, G. Yang, J. Wu. Spontaneously grown boehmite structures improve pool boiling heat transfer on aluminium surfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 192: 122937.
41. T. Yi, G. Yang, B. Wang, R. Zhuan, Y. Huang, J. Wu, Dynamics of a gas bubble penetrating through porous media, Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34, 012103
40. Y. Wang, Z. Wang, X. Cheng, G. Yang, J. Wu. Pressure-Driven Phase Separation Based on Modified Porous Mesh for Liquid Management in Microgravity. Langmuir, 2022, 38, 9, 2919–2927
39. T. Yi, X. Chu, B. Wang, J. Wu, G. Yang, Numerical simulation of single bubble evolution in low gravity with fluctuation, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 130, 105828.
38. Y. Wang, J. Wu, G. Yang, Numerical simulation of heat and momentum transport at the coupled interface between a rectangular channel and porous media, Journal of Thermal Science, 2022, 31, 332–343.
37. G. Yang, J. Liu, X. Cheng, Y. Wang, ... , R.A. Fischer. A superhydrophilic metal–organic framework thin film for enhancing capillary-driven boiling heat transfer. Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2021,9, 25480-25487
36. K. Yang, G. Yang, and J. Wu, Quantitatively Understanding the Insights CO2 Adsorption on Faujasite from the Heterogeneity and Occupancy Sequence of Adsorption Sites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125, 28, 15676–15686
35. J. Wu, R. Lv, Y. Huang, G. Yang, Flow Structure Transition and Hysteresis of Turbulent Mixed Convection Induced by a Transverse Buoyant Jet, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 177, 121310
34. J. Wu, R. Lv, Y. Huang, G. Yang, Transverse buoyant jet-induced mixed convection inside a large thermal cycling test chamber with perforated plates. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2021, 168, 107080.
33. W. Li,# G. Yang,# A. Terzis, S. Mukherjee, C. He, X. An, J. Wu, B. Weigand, R.A. Fischer, In Situ Tracking of Wetting‐Front Transient Heat Release on a Surface‐Mounted Metal-Organic Framework. Advanced Materials, 2021, 2006980.
32. Y. Wang, Y. Lin, G. Yang, J. Wu, Flow Physics of Wicking Woven Screens with Hybrid Micro-/Nanoporous Structures. Langmuir, 2021, 37, 7, 2289–2297, Supplementary Cover Article
31. X. Cheng, G. Yang, J. Wu, Recent advances in the optimization of evaporator wicks of vapor chambers: From mechanism to fabrication technologies. Applied Thermal Engineering, 188 (2021) 116611
30. Y. Wang, G. Yang, Y. Huang, Y. Huang, R. Zhuan, J. Wu. Analytical model of flow-through-screen pressure drop for metal wire screens considering the effects of pore structures. Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 116037: doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2020.116037
29. K. Yang, G. Yang, and J. Wu, Insights into the enhancement of CO2 adsorption on faujasite with a low Si/Al ratio: Understanding the formation sequence of adsorption complexes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 404, 2021, 127056
28. W. Wang, G. Yang, C. Evrim, A. Terzis, R. Helmig, X. Chu, An assessment of turbulence transportation near regular and random permeable interfaces. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(11), 115103.
27. X. Chu, W. Wang, G. Yang, A. Terzis, R. Helmig, B. Weigand. Transport of Turbulence Across Permeable Interface in a Turbulent Channel Flow: Interface-Resolved Direct Numerical Simulation. Transport in Porous Media, 2020, doi.org/10.1007/s11242-020-01506-w
26. K. Weishaupt, A. Terzis, I. Zarikos, G. Yang, B. Flemisch, D.A.M. de Winter, R. Helmig. A Hybrid-Dimensional Coupled Pore-Network/Free-Flow Model Including Pore-Scale Slip and Its Application to a Micromodel Experiment. Transport in Porous Media, 2020. doi.org/10.1007/s11242-020-01477-y
25. X. Chu, Y. Liu, W. Wang, G. Yang, B. Weigand, H. Nemati, Turbulence, pseudo-turbulence and local flow topology in dispersed bubbly flow, Physics of Fluids, 32, 083310 (2020); doi.org/10.1063/5.0014833
24. G. Yang, X. Chu, V. Vaikuntanathan, S. Wang, J. Wu, B. Weigand, and A. Terzis, Droplet mobilization at the walls of a microfluidic channel, Physics of Fluids, 32, 012004 (2020), Editor's pick
23. K. Yang, J. Wu, C. Li, Y. Xiang, G. Yang, Efficient Method to Obtain the Force Field for CO2 Adsorption on Zeolite 13X: Understanding the Host–Guest Interaction Mechanisms of Low-Pressure Adsorption, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2019, 124(1): 544-556.
22. G. Yang, A. Terzis, I. Zarikos, S. M. Hassanizadeh, B. Weigand, R. Helmig, Internal flow patterns of a droplet pinned to the hydrophobic surfaces of a confined microchannel using micro-PIV and VOF simulations, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 370: 444-454
21. A. Terzis, I. Zarikos, K. Weishaupt, G. Yang, X. Chu, R. Helmig, B. Weigand, Microscopic velocity field measurements inside a regular porous medium adjacent to a low Reynolds number channel flow, Physics of Fluids 2019, 31, 4, 042001
20. X. Chu, G. Yang, S. Pandy, B. Weigand, Direct numerical simulation of convective heat transfer in porous media, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 133:11-20
19. G. Yang, E. Coltman, K. Weishaupt, et al. On the Beavers–Joseph Interface Condition for Non-parallel Coupled Channel Flow over a Porous Structure at High Reynolds Numbers. Transport in Porous Media, 2019: 1-27.
18. Y.Y. Huang, G. Yang, and J. Y. Wu. Large eddy simulation and experimental study of turbulent mixed convection inside a cavity with large Rayleigh number: Effect of buoyancy. Building and Environment 2019, 151:268-279
17. G. Yang, V. Vaikuntanathan, A. Terzis, et al. Impact of a Linear Array of Hydrophilic and Superhydrophobic Spheres on a Deep Water Pool. Colloids and Interfaces, 2019, 3(1): 29.
16. G. Yang, B. Weigand, Investigation of the Klinkenberg effect in a micro and nanoporous medium by direct simulation Monte Carlo method, Physical Review Fluids, 2018, 3(4): 044201
15. G. Yang, B. Weigand, A. Terzis, et al. Numerical simulation of turbulent flow and heat transfer in a three-dimensional channel coupled with flow through porous structures, Transport in Porous Media, 2018, 122-145
14. G. Yang, L. Zhang, Wu J, et al. Analysis of transient temperature field characteristics inside a large-scale thermal cycling test cavity for spacecraft. Heat Transfer Research, 2018, 49: 255–273
13. L. Zhang, Y. Huang, G. Yang, J.Y. Wu. Numerical Simulation of Conjugate Turbulent Mixed Convection in an Open Cavity : Evaluation of Different Wall Heat Conduction Models. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2018, 74, 1244-1264
12. A. Terzis, G. Yang, I. Zarikos, et al. A temperature-based diagnostic approach for paper-based microfluidics. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2018, 22(3) : 35
11. A. Terzis, E. Sauer, G. Yang et al. Characterisation of acid–base surface free energy components of urea–water solutions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018, 538: 774-780
10. L. Zhang, Y. Huang, J.Y. Wu, Z. Liu, G. Yang. Evaporation of water film in a three-dimensional vertical rectangular channel by laminar mixed convection. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 130(5) :242-253
9. L. Zhang, Z. Liu, J.Y. Wu, G. Yang, M. Bao. Computational investigation on nitrogen displacement process in a thermal environment simulation chamber.Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2018, 24(4) : 343-355
8. G. Yang, Y.Y. Huang, J.Y. Wu, Experimental study and numerical models assessment of turbulent mixed convection heat transfer in a vertical open cavity, Building and Environment, 2017, 115: 91-103
7. Y. Huang, L. Zhang, G. Yang, J.Y. Wu. Secondary flow and entropy generation of laminar mixed convection in the entrance region of a horizontal square duct. ASME Journal of Heat Transfer. 2017,140(3) :034503
6. G. Yang, J.Y. Wu. Effects of natural convection, wall thermal conduction and thermal radiation on the heat transfer uniformity at a heated plate located at the bottom of a three dimensional rectangular enclosure, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A : Applications, 2016, 69: 589-606
5. G. Yang, J.Y. Wu. Conjugate mixed convection in the entrance region of a symmetrically heated vertical channel with thick walls. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015, 98: 245-254
4. G. Yang, J.Y. Wu. Entropy generation in a rectangular channel of buoyancy opposed mixed convection. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 86: 809-819
3. G. Yang, J.Y. Wu. Effect of aspect ratio and assisted buoyancy on flow reversal for mixed convection with imposed flow rate in a vertical three dimensional rectangular duct. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 77: 335-343
2. G. Yang, J.Y. Wu, L. Yan. Flow reversal and entropy generation due to buoyancy assisted mixed convection in the entrance region of a three dimensional vertical rectangular duct. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 67: 741-751
1. G. Yang, J.Y. Wu. Effect of Side ratio and aiding/opposing buoyancy on the aerodynamic and heat transfer characteristics around a rectangular cylinder at low Reynolds numbers. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 2013, 64: 1016-1037
22. 史陈芳达,吕蓉蓉,李春煜,史文军,朱子龙,刘涛,吴静怡,杨光. 液氢海上运输关键技术发展 船电技术. 2024, 01
21. 蔡爱峰,钱程,朱娟,聂晓展,程鑫,杨光,吴静怡. 热力耦合作用下薄壁均热板的力学特性分析.真空与低温, 2024 ,157-165
20. 林奕霖,王晔,陈成成,蔡爱峰,杨光,吴静怡,双层金属网幕泡破压力特性的实验研究.上海交通大学学报, 2024
19. 王晔,杨光,金鑫,耑锐,任枫,汪彬,吴静怡, 网幕通道式液体获取装置相分离特性低温实验研究.航空动力学报, 2024
18. 杨恩博,金宇鹏,杨光,黄永华,王天祥,雷刚,吴静怡.内角钝度对微重力下液体推进剂毛细流动特性的影响.上海交通大学学报, 2023, 57, 739-746
17. 李嘉,张良俊,吴仕泽,李晓慈,蔡爱峰,杨光,吴静怡.基于模糊PID的低温环境试验系统控制特性研究.真空与低温, 2023, 29, 180-187
16. 陈燕地,张婉雨,张良俊,李春煜,吴静怡,杨光.侧风道对多孔保温材料内水分迁移特性的影响规律研究.真空与低温, 2023, 29, 251-260
15. 王峥,王晔,金鑫,张浩,汪彬,耑锐,杨光,吴静怡.网幕通道式液体获取装置的入口速度分布特性研究[J].真空与低温,2022,28(05):556-564.
14. 王晔,张婉雨,汪彬,耑锐,任枫,蔡爱峰,杨光,吴静怡.多孔网幕泡破压力预测模型的建立及实验验证[J].化工学报,2022,73(03):1102-1110.
13. 聂晓展,程鑫,王珊珊,李春煜,杨光,吴静怡.大面积超薄蒸汽腔力学特性仿真分析[J].系统仿真技术,2022,18(04):233-239.
12. 金宇鹏,肖明堃,邱一男,王天祥,杨光,黄永华,吴静怡.基于磁补偿实验的微重力下毛细管内动态流动特性研究[J].力学学报,2022,54(12):3408-3417.
11. 易天浩,杨光,黄永华,吴静怡.基于扩散界面法的微重力下液氢沸腾传热研究[J].工程热物理学报,2022,43(09):2494-2500.
10. 杨光,程鑫,王峥,王晔,张良俊,吴静怡.微纳多孔结构中稀薄气体流动渗透率的解析型预测模型[J].化工学报,2022,73(07):2895-2901.
9. 杨光,张良俊,张婉雨,陈燕地,杜懿岑,吴静怡.常压低温环境下抛物面薄壁结构热平衡特性分析[J].真空与低温,2022,28(03):333-340.
8. 杨凯中,杨光,吴静怡.不同阳离子分子筛中CO2吸附结构形成与变化机理[J].真空与低温,2021,27(06):535-542.
7. 杜懿岑,程睿杰,吴仕泽,蔡爱峰,吴静怡,杨光.低温非热平衡圆柱温度分布特性的数值分析与实验[J].制冷学报,2020,41(06):109-116.
6. 肖明堃,黄永华,吴静怡,杨光,耑锐.非均匀磁场力作用下微重力液氧气液界面特性[J].制冷技术,2020,40(06):1-11.
5. 陈亮,杨光,邹红菲,马建章.从效用视角审视人工树洞的研究与设计[J].林业科学,2019,55(03):141-148.
4. 陈国珍,吴静怡,杨光,黄一也.耦合传热下低温柱体温度均匀性的优化分析[J].低温与超导,2018,46(08):6-11
3. 杨光, 吴静怡. 三维动态混合对流过程中的温度均匀性分析及实验验证. 工程热物理学报, 2014, 35 : 730-734
2. 杨光, 吴静怡. 基于小波变换和多元回归的航天器热循环试验系统温度均匀性分析. 上海交通大学学报, 2014, 48 :1346-1350
1. 黄一也, 杨光, 吴静怡. 以最佳温度均匀度和最小熵产为目标的航天器热循环试验系统运行参数优化. 化工学报,2016, 10 : 4086-4094
19. G. Yang, Spontaneously grown boehmite nanostructures enhancing phase change heat transfer on aluminium surfaces, μFIP 2024 Conference (Invited Talk)
18. P. Xu, A. Cai, H. Chen, H. Wang, T. Wu, J. Wu, G. Yang, Experimental study of cryogenic fluid flow in porous thermal insulation materials, ICEC29-ICMC-2024, July, 2024, Geneva, Switzerland
17. R. Xu, et al. Computations of capillary-driven cryogenic flows along interior corners with microstructure, ICEC28-ICMC 2022, Hangzhou, China
16. T. Yi, G. Yang, J. Wu, Gas breakthrough across a porous array structure wetted by cryogenic fluid, ICR2023 | 26th International Congress of Refrigeration | August 21st-25th, 2023 | Paris, France
15. C. Shi, Effect of wicking capability on the relaxation pressure of woven screens for on-orbit management of cryogenic propellants,ICEC28-ICMC 2022, Hangzhou, China
14. G. Yang, X. Chu, B. Weigand, R. Helmig. Turbulence transport across the coupled interface between porous media and free flow: A pore-scale analysis. Interpore 2020. (Invited Talk)
13. G. Yang. Internal Fluidity of a Droplet Pinned to the Hydrophobic Surfaces of a Confined Microchannel, ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Salt Lake City, USA
12. Weigand, B., Chu, X., Yang, G., & Helmig, R. Numerical simulations of turbulent flow and heat transfer in regular porous structures. Keynote Speech at InterPore 2019, Valencia, Spain
11. G. Yang. On the Beavers–Joseph Interface Condition for Non-parallel Coupled Channel Flow over a Porous Structure at High Reynolds Numbers. SFB1313 Status Seminar, Blaubeuren, Germany, 2019
10. G. Yang, B. Weigand, A hybrid DSMC/Navier-Stokes framework to solve the coupled channel flow and rarefied porous media flow.2nd International Conference on Simulation Technology, Stuttgart, Germany, 2018 (Invited Talk)
9. G. Yang, A. Terzis, I. Zarikos, et al., Droplet motion in a microfluidic channel under the effect of contact angle hysteresis. 30th GCCCD Annual Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2018 (Best Poster Award)
8. G. Yang, V. Vaikuntanathan, A. Terzis, B. Weigand, R. Helmig, Impact of a linear array of hydrophilic and superhydrophobic spheres on water pool, Gallary of Fluid Motion, 71th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2018
7. G. Yang, Simulation of gas diffusion in porous materials consisting of micro-/nanoscale structures, Applied Nanotechnology and Nanoscience International Conference, Rome, Italy, 2017
6. K. Weishaupt, A. Terzis, I. Zarikos, G. Yang, et al. Using a pore-network model to couple mass,momentum and energy at the interface between free flow and porous media flow. 9th International Conference on Porous Media, Rotterdam, Netherlands 2017
5. Y. Huang, G. Yang, J.Y. Wu. Mixed convection characteristic inside a thermal cycling chamber with nonuniform perforated plate. Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,Phoenix, USA
4. G. Yang, J.Y. Wu, Y.W. He, L. Yan, Investigation of temperature uniformity in an open cavity of buoyancy assisted mixed convection heat transfer with multiple discrete inlet and outlet ports, Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Montreal, Canada
3. G. Yang, J.Y. Wu. Investigation of the steady-state temperature field characteristics inside a thermal cycling test chamber of turbulent mixed convection. 24th International Congress of Refrigeration, Yokohama, Japan, 2015
2. G. Yang, J.Y. Wu, Y.X. Xu, S.C. Yang, L. Yan, Analysis of temperature uniformity in the cooling/heating process of transient turbulent
mixed convection, 15th Cross Strait Symposium on Energy and Environmental Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, 2014
1. G. Yang, J.Y. Wu, L.J. Zhang, Design and simulation of a novel accelerated thermal cycling test system for space application, Cryogenics and Refrigeration Proceedings of ICCR2013, Hangzhou, China
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