Educational Background
2007.8-2010.12, Clemson University, Doctor
2003.9-2007.6, Zhejiang University, Bachelor
Professional Experience
2015.11- Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Associate Professor
2011.9-2013.5 Virginia Tech, Postodoctral Fellow
2013.6-2014.12 University of Cambridge, European Union Marie Curie Fellow
2015.1-2015.10 University of Cambridge, Research Associate
Research Interests
1. Optical and laser based techniques
2. Fluids
3. Imaging
4. Spectroscopy
Selected Publications
[1] S. Grauer, K. Mohri, T. Yu, H. Liu, W. Cai*, Volumetric emission tomography for combustion processes, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, in production.
[2] Zongyin Yang, Tom Albrow-Owen, Weiwei Cai*, Tawfique Hasan*, Miniaturization of optical spectrometers, Science, 2021, Vol. 371, Issue 6528, eabe0722
[3] W. Cai and C. F. Kaminski, "Tomographic absorption spectroscopy for the study of gas dynamics and reactive flows". Progress in Energy and Combustion Science,(2017) 59: p.1-31.
Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
Honors and Awards
2010, Chinese Goverment Award for Oustanding Students Studing Abroad
2012, European Union Marie Curie Fellow
2013, Churchill College Postdoctoral By-Fellow, University of Cambridge
2014, Masao Horiba Honaroble Mention Award
2018, SAOT Young Researcher Award